J. Damerell Transitional Studies Monroe Community College
TRS 103003 course information


Final Writing Competency, TRS 105
PowerPoint Presentations
cause/effect chart
Course Syllabus
Study Guides
Website links
Lecture notes
TRS 105012, 105013 syllabus
TRS 105023 Syllabus
TRS 103006 Syllabus 3
TRS 105012, 105013 assignments
trs 103003 assignment sheet 3
103003 syllabus 3
TRS 103006 Assignments
TRS 103006 Course Information
TRS 103003 course information
TRS 105 Course Information
TRS 105, ch. 4, 5
glossary of terms
CW, chapter 4
CW ch. 36-38
CW ch. 39 study guide
Evergreen ch. 4
Evergreen, unit 3 study guide
Evergreen, ch. 24
Evergreen, ch. 25
Evergreen study guide, ch. 33-35
Needing Blue
links to my poems
links to my prose

TRS 103003
Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills
Spring 2002
Monroe Community College

Required Materials:

- Evergreen with Readings: A Guide to Writing, Fawcett/Sandberg, Sixth Edition
- computer disks
- a dictionary to bring to every class
- a stapler or paper clips
- a notebook for class notes
- looseleaf paper for informal writing and vocabulary
- a blue or black ink pen
- a pocket folder for all the papers I distribute, tests, and returned work
- a public library card

Course Description:

In this course, students strengthen reading comprehension and the basic writing skills required to develop a clear, unified, and coherent paragraph. Students should expect to do a variety of reading and writing assignments in and out of class, in small groups, individually, and outside of class. In addition to the textbook, we will use writing and activities from a variety of sources including the internet. Student writing will also be used as a classroom text. This half-semester section is very challenging. We will do fifteen weeks worth of work in half the time, so each student will have to be willing to put in much more effort to complete the course.

Grading: The final grade will be computed in this way:
Formal writing - 50%
homework/classwork - 25%
tests - 25%


Students must satisfactorily complete tests and assignments. Homework and classwork includes may be textbook assignments, informal writing, outside reading, and internet work; it will be marked 100% if it is complete and on time; 50% if it is incomplete or late. There will be ten surprise quizzes given at the beginning of class. Each one will be open notebook; the ten quizzes will make up one test grade. Informal writing will be marked P (pass=10) or R (rewrite=3). Paragraphs marked R should be rewritten and handed in at the beginning of the next class meeting.


All students are expected to attend all class meetings and to be on time. Each of our class meetings is the equivalent of two classes; missing one class could result in failing the course.
1. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class.
2. Students who come to class late should enter quietly and notify the instructor to make sure they are marked present. Two late arrivals equal one absence.
3. Students who fall asleep or appear to fall asleep will be marked absent.
4. After one absence, students will get a warning. A second will result in a recommendation to withdraw unless there are extenuating circumstances that justify an exception. An inability to find a parking spot does not qualify as an extenuating circumstance. A course withdrawal may affect financial aid. A financial aid counselor can provide more information about that.
6. Students who miss class must get the missed notes, handouts, and assignments from another student.
7. Students with perfect attendance will earn five points on their final grade.

Make-up Policy: There will be no make-ups on quizzes or daily class work. Students may make up tests only if they make contact with the instructor, by email or phone, prior to the test.

Formal papers must be:
- word-processed
- saved on a floppy disk
- double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman
- stapled or paper clipped together, with the prewriting and early drafts (which may be done in pen or pencil), before they are handed in. Papers without prewriting and early drafts will not be accepted.
- with students name, class number and section, type of paragraph, and date in the upper left hand corner of the first page.

Informal writing must be:
- done on looseleaf paper or typed. Pages torn out of a notebook will not be accepted.
- written in blue or black ink or typed. Work done in pencil or any other color ink will not be accepted.
- stapled or paper-clipped together before it is handed in.
- with the students name, course section and number, type of assignment, and date on the first lines of the paper. Do not write in the space above the lines.

Revision: Writing is rewriting, and every major paper must be revised at least once. Revisions will be due one week after the papers are returned. There will be five to ten formal paragraphs. These revisions will be graded.

Due Dates: Students must hand in assignments at the beginning of class on their due dates. All major papers and revisions must be done in order to pass the course. Late papers will be docked five points for every calendar day they are late. If you know that you will be unable to make a papers due date, you may request an extension prior to that date.

Classroom Conduct: All students are expected to adhere to the guidelines of conduct spelled out in the MCC Handbook for Students. Respect for yourself and others is absolutely imperative, and behavior and/or writing that is derogatory, racist, or sexist in any way will not be tolerated.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of leading the reader to believe that ideas, words, or facts derived from an outside source are the writers own. It is equivalent to cheating on an exam. I assume that the work you turn in is the your own, but if I suspect otherwise, I will use TurnItIn.com to check the work. If plagiarism is discovered, the procedure outlined in the MCCs plagiarism policy will be followed.

Special Needs: Students with special needs or who require accommodations due to a disability must contact Arlene Phillips, 292-2357, room 11-208A, to make the necessary arrangements and also inform me by February 8, 2002.

Extra help/Learning Centers: Students at MCC have access to a number of Learning Centers at both the Brighton and Damon campuses. Learning Centers are staffed with instructional personnel and may be equipped with computers to assist students. A brochure with details on Learning Centers is available in the Brighton Learning Center (11-206) and the Damon Integrated Learning Center (4-130). The Writing Lab on the Brighton campus is located in room 11-208 and offers free, individual tutoring for students. In addition, instructors have office house set aside for students to come for extra help.

Class cancellations:

To find out if class is cancelled, you may:

1. call the Public Safety Department (292-2075) at MCC, press 3 or

2. go to the MCC website (www.monroecc.edu), click on the A-Z listing and go to C for Class Cancellations